Archives for June 2013

Becoming an Entrepreneurial Writer: Building a Media Kit

When you’re first starting out with your blog, website, or online magazine, a media kit may seem unnecessary. But as I mentioned last week, a media kit is a great way to have all the information about your website in one place. This makes everything someone would need to know about your website easily accessible […]

Developing a Marketing Plan for Entrepreneurs

Developing a marketing plan is crucial to building a profitable business. It guides you to the target audience you need to reach. It helps you grow your business because you are putting your services or products in front of the people that need them. If you’re a new business owner, you’re probably a little overwhelmed […]

14 Essential Plugins For Your WordPress Blog

Most bloggers and online entrepreneurs who use WordPress buy a premium theme. High-quality paid themes add a professional and polished look to your blog. This serves to improve credibility and allows you to brand yourself as an expert. For example, Entrepreneurship Life uses the Thesis Theme. And I like to use Canvas from WooThemes. But […]

Do You Really Need a Business Plan?

When you are getting ready to start a new business, many advisors will tell you that the first step is to create a business plan. That may be a good idea in some situations, but not always.   What is a Business Plan? A business plan is a formal document describing how your business will […]

A Commencement Address For Would-Be Entrepreneurs

Dear Graduates: You think you know, but you have no idea. You are woefully unprepared for what’s next. You are entitled to nothing. You are responsible for defining and creating your own success. And, the 9 to 5 job that you’ll be lucky to earn will leave you empty and unfulfilled. That’s the advice I […]