Archives for May 2015

Apps Apps Everywhere and Not a Byte to Eat

There are literally millions of apps out there. There are apps for music, movies, television, reading, games, going to concerts, buying stuff, selling stuff, finding stuff, going places…you get the idea. If there is something that you need or want to do or accomplish, there is an app out there that promises to do it […]

Create A Workplace That Is Consistent With Employee Values

If you want a successful workforce, which will ultimately result in a more successful and productive business, then it’s important to take a look at the workplace values you have in place and how they relate to your employee values. Finding a level of consistency and compromise between the two, could be the difference between […]

3 Rules to Break to Be a Freelance Writer Extraordinaire

Several misconceptions about getting started hold budding freelance writers back. You may think that to be successful as a freelance writer, you need to attend a popular school of journalism, have a good number of editorial connections, spend a fortune of money on various things including supplies, and do your best to make your way […]

Don’t Paint Investing With A Broad Brush

Everybody has their own ideas of how to live life. Investments are just one of many ways this is shown. For some, day trading and constant reallocation of funds is recreationally and financially satisfying. For others, they like to keep it straightforward and not be in constant flux about their next steps. As you plan […]