Archives for April 2019

3 Tips for Staying on Top of Your Business Finances

Managing a business is rarely easy, but there are ways of making it easier. Your overall level of organization and discipline will have a significant impact on how efficiently your business is able to operate and how easy you find it to stay on top of its day to day activities. Of particular importance are […]

3 Secrets to Running a Restaurant

The restaurant industry is notoriously difficult: many restaurants don’t even survive beyond a year or two. There are so many restaurants competing for the same pool of customers that even if your food is excellent, that may not be enough to make the business viable. Unsurprisingly, restaurant managers are eager for help they can get […]

Consider These 5 Factors Before Choosing A Mobile Point of Sales System

Point of sale (POS) systems are a must-have tool, especially if you want to get business done more efficiently. If you’re using a cashier-register style system, you’ve likely got a product that you use for automating inventory management while also streamlining other business operations like marketing and employee management. But what if you could invest […]

7 Productivity Hacks for Entrepreneurs

Productivity is something that everyone always keeps on searching for ways to increase. If you an entrepreneur it becomes even more important to make every moment count, because a lot relies on how productive you are and how much work you get done. When you use tips that have been advised by a lot of […]

Why Taking Risks Can Be Good for Your Mental Health

In order to succeed in life, you sometimes need to take risks. A risk can feel like a big gamble or feel like it’s going to have little return. Some people live their entire lives not taking risks, and this can have a negative impact on your mental health. By taking risks, we don’t mean […]