Whether you’ve been running a business for years or you’re creating a new startup, building a car fleet may be necessary for your business. Depending on the operations your company performs, having a fleet of reliable cars can take your business to the next level. For example, common business types that utilize fleet cars include […]
Archives for September 2019
Industries That Need Video Content
Video content has been used heavily in the corporate world; especially by newer players like SaaS companies and startups in the tech industry. This is understandable as most of the players in those fields have to communicate complex and novel ideas to their market on a regular basis. But are there other industries where video […]
Unique Things to do in Leicester
The city of Leicester is Britain’s tenth largest city, and it’s one of its oldest ones. There is never a shortage of things to see and do in this amazing city, including both historical and contemporary activities. Leicester is an incredible cultural hub too, so no even if it is the corner of the city, […]
The Danger of Weak Passwords: How Privileged Credentials Enable Data Breaches
As we all have likely heard, many of the major tech organizations (Facebook, Apple, etc.) have had at least one data breach in recent years, and other organizations are hardly immune – the healthcare sector seems to have been especially hard hit. Obviously, these data breaches hurt organizations’ reputations and bottom lines due to the […]
The Best Ways to Get Your Brand and Logo in Front of Potential Customers
The first step of a successful branding campaign is generating awareness. You can’t drive conversions or sales if your customers don’t even know you exist. You can have the most innovative product or life-saving service, but without customers taking an interest, your offer is destined to flop. Therefore, getting your brand and logo in front […]