Archives for April 2020

The Difference Between Self- Employed and Freelance in Singapore

Many people think that Freelance is a freelance job as they are making less than a self-employed person in Singapore. Well, the truth is that a freelancer can earn more than a person with a job who is self-employed. And people don’t know how to go about it or how to make it work. Who […]

The Best Merchant Services Account Providers for Entrepreneurs in 2020

Merchant services are becoming increasingly essential to functioning in business. Merchant services are essential for processing payments, which is increasingly becoming the norm.  There are over 1 billion consumer credit cards in circulation in the United States alone, as of the end of 2018. That number continues to grow and expand each year. That’s where merchant services […]

6 Tips for Growing Your E-Commerce Business in 2020

Focusing on generating sales via online channels is one of the best ways to grow your business. E-commerce is highly scalable and lets you tap into a far greater pool of potential customers than would be possible with even the most centrally-located and capacious brick-and-mortar premises. But getting online is just the half of it. […]

Turnover Turbulence: Understanding The Impact Of High Employee Turnover

If you own a small business or are just starting your enterprise, you know how important it is to manage costs. You don’t have the resources of larger and more established competitors, so you must pay special attention to where every penny goes. Although you may be focusing all of your attention on inventory or […]

Why You Should Plan for an Office in Your New Home

Having a separate space to use as an office in your house has become increasingly common in the 21st-century world. Taking your work home is no longer reserved for CEOs and psychologists.  Some people feel the need to work from the comfort of their own homes, while some prefer to have a warm space in […]