Archives for November 2021

Top 5 Blockchain Marketing Strategies for Web3 Startups

Image source: DepositPhotos Web 3.0 has been a long-awaited phenomenon where users have control and own their data, identities, and decisions on the internet. Since Web3 was proposed in 2006 by New York Times reporter John Markoff, it didn’t make much impact until the surge of blockchain technology and decentralization in 2010. Dr. Gavin Wood, […]

5 Best Crypto Exchange Platforms in 2021: Safest Bitcoin Exchange Places

Crypto is the new thing in the market that has been climbing up the ladder of popularity quite quickly, it is always good to know which crypto is the best one out there. These are the 5 best crypto exchange platforms that you will get to know about in detail. Check out miner hosting services. We […]

5 Reasons Why People in Hyderabad Find Bowling Fun

There’s a variety of fun activities in Hyderabad like bowling, arcade games, birthday party spots. If you’d like to have a memorable day, then opt for bowling. There is a wide range of reasons why people go bowling in Hyderabad. For instance, some people may opt for bowling because it’s a fun and inexpensive sport. […]

Top 3 Tips For Young Entrepreneurs In 2021 And Beyond

If you’re a young entrepreneur and reading this, chances are you’ve been told the same old tired advice: “take risks early,” “follow your passion,” and “never give up.” It’s not that these pieces of advice don’t matter; it’s just that they’re not enough. In 2021, it’s important to not only work on your business but […]

Too Hot to Operate? DIY Tips for Quick Mac Cooling

Like any device that consumes a lot of energy, your Mac is susceptive to overheating. A hot device is uncomfortable to hold, and it can also suffer from various internal damages. Preventing a Mac from overheating is a pretty straightforward task. Follow the guidelines in this article to prevent overheating and protect your expensive hardware.  […]