Being a small business owner means having to handle many responsibilities at the same time. You have to keep track of inventory. You have to manage various social media accounts. You have to communicate with customers. It’s a demanding job that requires constant attention. But one responsibility that tends to fall by the wayside is human resources. In most corporate jobs, HR is usually an entirely separate department that deals with the hiring, onboarding, training, and firing of employees. But human resources with a small business is a little bit different. As a business owner, you have to handle the hiring and firing of employees yourself, which can definitely be stressful. Save yourself some of that stress with these 4 HR tips for small business owners:
- Bring on a Good Team
This may be obvious, but having a good team is crucial for a small business as you want to be surrounded by like minded individuals who are going to help your business grow. You want your employees to have the same drive and passion for the business as you do. There’s nothing worse than going through the entire interviewing process and then realizing the person isn’t a good fit. You want to try to find the right employee the first time around. Be thorough with your interviewing to ensure you only bring on a team of similar people who are going to help with your business’s success. And don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it- hiring can be confusing! Use an online software that offers HR services to help with unexpected challenges and general support to make the hiring process go smoothly.
- Have an Employee Handbook
You want to make sure all your employees know that they are being treated fairly and equally while working for you. Which is exactly why it is important to create an employee handbook. An employee handbook will outline what you can expect from them, what they should expect from you, and company policies. You want full transparency between you and all your employees.
- Evaluate Employee Performance
Part of being a boss is evaluating how your employees are performing. In a dream world, you would have a team full of hardworking individuals who are exactly what you are looking for, but that is not always the case. Which is why you need to evaluate employee performance. You can use software to track your employees’ time and attendance and compile reports on their productivity and results. This can let your employees know how they are doing and motivate them to work harder.

- Keep All Files Organized
Being a small business owner means having to keep a lot of files organized. And that includes important HR files as well. You want important paperwork containing your employee’s personal information to be kept organized and confidential at all times. Rather than keeping paper files, use a digital file organizer to keep everything online. The last thing that you want to happen is one of your employees to ask for an important document and you have no clue where it is.
A small business owner wears many hats. They have to juggle a myriad of responsibilities at the same time and it’s easy to get overwhelmed and forget about certain things. Don’t let that happen to your human resources. Having a good team is so important for a small business, and that cannot be attained without having an established and productive HR system. While you may not be able to have a separate HR department like most corporate jobs, you can still be just as successful, as long as you follow these simple tips.