In this article, we will analyze in detail the changes in the sandbox component, the economy, and other important aspects of the game in the 19th season of Destiny 2.
This game is gradually becoming a legend and more and more players are starting to play it. However, from the very beginning, it can seem rather complicated for players, so many gamers turn to destiny 2 carry service for help. Professional gamers are always ready to help in completing tasks and quests to make it easier for players to participate in cool events and receive rewards.
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In season 19, players will no longer be able to get the planetary resources of the European Dead Zone, the Cosmodrome, the Moon, Nes, the City of Dreams, and Europe. All because the developers finally decided to improve and to some extent simplify the economic component of the game, bringing it to a more convenient form. It is important to clarify that the resources already collected will not be taken away from you.
Firstly: planetary resources will not be used anywhere else at all, which is why the following changes have occurred:
- The prices of several items have been adjusted in Destiny 2, and resources have been completely removed or replaced with another analog.
- Ghost mods were removed, which, with a small chance at the end of Raids, Gambit, and PvP, gave out planetary resources.
- The Ghost mod, which with a small chance when collecting planetary resources gave out additional ones, will now give glimmer.
Secondly: the reputation system was removed from the key NPCs of the above-mentioned planets in Destiny 2, which is why players will no longer have to collect planetary resources, and the rewards have lost the requirement for a certain level of reputation. Now rewards can be bought at any time, for example, a unique planetary profile background \ Ghost is sold simply for legendary shards. In addition, in season 19, Devrim and Neuromatrix had their sunset weapons removed and the maximum number of daily contracts increased from 3 to 4.
Thirdly: planetary resources are no longer needed to purchase reagents, improved equipment, and other items from Master Rahul. Because of this, the following changes have occurred:
Rahul will be happy to buy your already unnecessary planetary resources but at a lower price. For 20 pieces, he will offer 5000 glimmers, if there are less than 20 in the inventory, then 250 glimmers for 1 piece.
Instead of planetary resources, in addition to glimmers, legendary shards will be required to purchase equipment improvement reagents in Destiny 2.
Fourth: since the easiest way to get glimmer has disappeared from the game (by exchanging with Rahul), the developers have added an alternative method tied to public open events:
- After completing the usual option, you will get from 3,300 to 4,645 glimmers (excluding amplifiers).
- Having completed the heroic version, you will receive from 10 to 12.5 thousand glimmers (excluding amplifiers).
As a result, the above changes made it possible to solve, perhaps, the biggest and most important problem of modern MMO projects – an abundant variety of different resources that the user needs to farm along with other vital resources.
Every season, developers of Destiny 2 try to improve the sandbox component of the game by making changes to the archetypes of weapons, mods, and abilities, which, of course, result in strengthening the nerf of certain things. Season 19 is no exception to this rule and many players have already faced edits in all classes of the game.
The sun
The melee ability of the warlock Celestial Fire (Heavenly Fire) – the damage inflicted on targets at close range has been increased from 90 to 100.
Ember of Torches fragment – the duration of the “Radiance” buff has been reduced from 10 to 8 seconds and now the fragment reduces discipline by 10 units.
Fragment of Ember of Solace – now extends the duration of the “Radiance” buff by 50%.
The Hunter Knock Aspect ‘Em Down (Beat them Up):
- Golden Pistol: Accurate Eye – now provides only a 15% increase in damage resistance.
- Golden Pistol: Sniper – No longer provides increased damage resistance.
- A flurry of blades – the total number of projectiles was reduced from 20 to 24 (which will drop the total damage).
The healing effect from the Restoration buff (Recreation) was decreased x1. In PvP from 25 to 20 HP per second, and in PvE – from 50 to 40. The Healing effect from the Restoration buff (Recreation) was decreased x2. In PvP from 40 to 32.5 HP per second, and in PvE – from 80 to 60.
The Restoration buff effect is no longer combined with the warlock puddle effect due to the rule “a stronger healing effect replaces a weak one”.
Developers of Destiny 2 fixed a bug that caused the void super shield effect in PvE to increase damage resistance by only 25% instead of the required 50%.
The melee ability of the titan Shield Bash (Shield Strike) – more stably puts a suppression effect on the affected enemy.
Ulta warlock Nova Bomb: Vortex (Supernova: Vortex):
- The initial flight speed of the sphere has been increased by 21%.
- After a collision with an obstacle, the radius of attraction of the sphere is increased by about 17%.
- After a collision with an obstacle, the gravity of the sphere is increased by about 20%.
Ulta Hunter Shadowshot (Shadow Shot):
- Deadfall (Trap) – now after activation, the anchor disappears after 12 seconds instead of 8.
- Moebius Quiver – now after activating the anchor, the anchors disappear after 6 seconds instead of 8.
At this point, it is also important to note that the developers of Destiny 2 are exploring various options for how to make invisible hunters less annoying in PvP, while not compromising this particular style of play.
These are the main differences between the seasons. Play it for yourself and evaluate the final evidence and predictions of the 19th season of Destiny 2 ahead of another “secret” launch.