How to Improve Your Net Promoter Score

Customer relationship

Knowing your Net Promoter Score is important, but it’s even more important that you take the data that you’ve collected from the survey in order to improve your score. To increase your score, the main goal is to convert as many customers as possible into brand promoters. This requires increased customer loyalty and creating trust-based relationships.

The more promoters you have on your side, the more online and word-of-mouth referrals you can expect. In a world where referrals mean more than ever, improving your Net Promoter Score is critical.

Want to know how to improve your Net Promoter Score on WordPress? Here are tips and tricks you’ll want to know to give your score a boost in the right direction.

  1. Have an Organizational Mission

Internal buy-in is a must if you want to improve your Net Promoter Score. All employees need to understand what this number means, why it’s important, and the steps you plan to take to improve it. Understanding Net Promoter Score is most important for those on your staff who directly communicate with customers, such as customer service representatives.

Remember, improving your score means increasing customer satisfaction and happiness. By getting everyone involved in the process, there can be company-wide enthusiasm and excitement for achieving the score you want.

  1. Engage & Communicate

One of the biggest pitfalls that companies fall into is not engaging and communicating enough with their consumers. While you may send weekly or even daily emails, this isn’t enough to encourage open communication. It’s important to reach out to your customers, both old and new, to show that your care and to open a line of communication.

There are all sorts of effective ways to engage and communicate with your customers. Consider options like:

  • Posting and responding to social media posts
  • Live video streaming
  • Customer surveys
  • Direct messages and live chat

By staying in routine contact with your customers, they will trust your brand and feel as if they can openly communicate with you. This opens the door for sharing their feedback and being direct about what they like and dislike about your brand.

  1. Make Promoting Your Brand Easy

Let’s face it, by nature we’re all extremely lazy and typically only do things that are bound to benefit us. Even if a customer is completely in love with your brand and products, they’re unlikely to share their feedback or refer others if the process is too complicated. While customers will take the time to discuss their negative experiences, it takes much more time and effort to convince them to share the positive side of things.

To boost your score, start by encouraging customers to share their experiences. Entice them to write reviews on social media by offering a discount coupon or exclusive content on your website. By creating an incentive, consumers are likely to be much more interested in sharing their thoughts.

You can also offer quick customer surveys that can be submitted. By asking just a few questions, you can get a good feel about what people think about your overall company as well as the product or service that you offer.

When customers feel like their opinion holds value, they’re much more likely to share it.

  1. Pay Attention to Promoters

Online you’ll face a wide range of consumers. You’ll have some that purchase your product but you’ll never hear from them. Others will make a purchase and be very vocal about their likes or dislikes. While you may be inclined to focus on those who are unhappy with your product to find a way to satisfy them, you should be doing just the opposite.

Instead of worrying about detractors, focus on your promoters. These customers often have a lot of valuable insight to share. You can pinpoint why they’re loyal to your company and what can be changed to improve things.

By focusing on those who promote your brand, you may also be able to work with them to serve as influencers. The more social media buzz you can attract, the better.

  1. Monitor Your Score

Being complacent on your Net Promoter Score can easily undo all of your hard work. When your score reaches the level you want it to be at, it’s important that you continue to monitor it. Don’t slack off on your communication, engagement, or the attention you give to consumers. Instead, keep the levels consistent so that customers see that you’re in it for the long run and that you really do care.


By taking the time to improve your Net Promoter Score, you’re not only able to improve your company internally, you can use these changes as ways to increase customer satisfaction. Customers that are continuously satisfied are more likely to stick with your brand versus trying out one of your competitor’s product or service.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.

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