Having a good job is more than just taking home an adequate paycheck. Being with a good employer can open you up to more personal and career development opportunities to help you build a growing foundation for a bright professional future–this is why you must choose a company that looks out for its employees.
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How to Know if an Employer Is Good
To know if an employer is truly good, you must take a close look at how they run their business and how they treat their people. For example, when searching for careers with Aviva, it’s easy to tell that Aviva is a good employer and citizen from their sustainable operations, enriching workplace culture, and fair benefits. Here are some tell-tale signs that an employer is good:
Responsible Business
Find a company that cares more than just its bottom line. You want a business that takes on greater responsibility, such as tackling climate change through sustainable operational change. This shows you that their concern extends from just self-preservation and that they understand that they have a greater responsibility.
Development Opportunities
A good employer will always want to see their people shine, so they’ll always be ready to provide their employees with opportunities for personal and professional development. Keep an eye out for available tuition subsidies, in-house and online training, apprenticeship programs, and mentorships tailored to investing in a talented pipeline.
Workplace Culture
A diverse workplace is a good sign that an employer recognizes their employees as individuals that can make a meaningful contribution to the company. Choose a company that encourages a healthy workplace culture of independence and accountability, and one that understands that prioritizing employee satisfaction is a step toward its goals.
Fair Recruitment
A company’s recruitment process can tell you a lot about an employer. If their hiring procedures are transparent, accommodating, and encouraging, you can expect that working there feels the same way, too.
Flexible Benefits
You shouldn’t treat benefits as mere ‘extras,’ as these plans, typically medical or dental coverage, can be literal lifesavers down the road. Pick an employer that offers benefits tailored to secure their employees and address their needs fairly.
Recognition as a Good Employer
When a company has been recognized by reputable organizations as a good employer, it’s a good sign that you’ll be in good hands should you progress your career with them. Aviva, for instance, has been awarded as one of Greater Toronto’s Top Employers in 2023, among other broker and customer awards (some of which are also people’s choices!). Moreover, the company’s also recognized as a top employer for women.
Ensure a Bright Future with a Good Employer
A great way to set yourself up for professional success is to make sure that you work with good employers who can help you build a strong foundation and move towards achieving your professional career goals. Find a good employer who’ll push you to be the best you can be!