AI & Accounting: How HUB-Analytics Is Revolutionizing Accounting

For one startup based in San Diego, accounting and technology are a match made in heaven.

HUB Analytics is a new all-in-one financial platform that brings together artificial intelligence and traditional bookkeeping software. In doing so, it combines the capabilities of an entire accounting department into a single platform.

Created by a distributed team of experts in accounting, technology, and business, HUB Analytics is tailor-made for entrepreneurs and small business owners. If you’ve ever had anxiety about unclear financial decisions for your business, then HUB Analytics might be a good fit for you.

Here’s what you should know about the platform.

An Accounting Department in Your Pocket

Accounting and bookkeeping are essential to healthy businesses. But, for entrepreneurs, investing in the kind of staff and resources needed for effective accounting can be expensive — if not unreachable.

Many entrepreneurs get around this problem with a platform like QuickBooks or by hiring a bookkeeper. While cost-effective, this approach means that a business would miss out on some of the key benefits of an accounting department: financial thought leadership and recommendations.

HUB Analytics gets around this by leveraging AI to analyze your data and generate strategic recommendations based on profits, costs, or other metrics. According to HUB Analytics, using the platform is like having a chief financial officer (CFO) in your back pocket.

However, strategic insights based on faulty data is going to generate inaccurate recommendations. As the saying goes: “garbage in, garbage out.” That’s why HUB Analytics includes a data diagnostic tool that checks data across 150 points to test the accuracy and integrity of your books.

All of this is wrapped up into a platform that can generate customizable and detailed financial reports, meaning you can give a bird’s-eye view of your company’s finances to key stakeholders.

What This Means for Entrepreneurs

Most small businesses aren’t going to have the resources to hire an entire accounting department. That’s why many entrepreneurs opt for a bookkeeper. However, a bookkeeper isn’t going to necessarily be able to give you CFO-level insights on where you should take your business.

On the other hand, startups or small businesses that hire a CFO don’t want their C-suite executives handling the mundane tasks of accounting. More than that, even the most skilled bookkeepers can use a second set of eyes to eliminate the potential for human error.

Hence, HUB Analytics is a perfect fit for small businesses of all sizes. For companies with limited resources, it can do the work of an accounting department. For larger firms, it can free up your accounting department to provide more strategic counsel by automating much of the busy work.

You’ll get expert data diagnostics to ensure that your books are in good standing, advanced financial reporting that lets you easily track key performance indicators and other metrics, and strategic recommendations on how to help your business grow. It’s like a controller, bookkeeper, and CFO — all in one platform that’s incredibly simple and intuitive for end users.

In other words, HUB Analytics isn’t going to just tell you what has happened to your business finances. It’s also going to explain why — and, importantly, what to do about it. That will free you up to focus on running your business well.

Is HUB Analytics Right for You?

The team behind HUB Analytics didn’t just dream up the platform from thin air, either. Created by a group of experts with decades of experience in entrepreneurship, accounting, business management, and technology, HUB Analytics was literally built from the ground up for entrepreneurs.

According to the team behind HUB Analytics, they created the platform not only to power some of their own entrepreneurial endeavors, but ultimately to stem the tide of small businesses succumbing to financial failure. To that end, HUB Analytics was created to be a “steadfast ally” to business owners of all stripes.

That’s why it includes other key quality-of-life features, such as advanced data security measures to ensure your finances stay private and white-label capabilities so you can create financial reports with your own branding. It sports integration with QuickBooks, so you won’t likely have to change your existing bookkeeping workflow, either.

In other words, if you’ve ever worried about murky finances or bookkeeping, HUB Analytics is the perfect platform to help provide financial clarity and insights so that you can make better and more strategic business decisions. After all, as a business owner or entrepreneur, you need to focus on what matters — running your business.

If you’re interested in giving HUB Analytics a test drive or learning more about how the platform can benefit your business, you can book a demo call by visiting their website.