Entrepreneurs score terribly low at taking care of themselves. They are known for their commitment to work and leaving the office late. Some find themselves buried in their laptops in the wee hours, barely taking any ‘healthy meals’. This can happen to anyone, especially when we want a job done, and subsequently, self-care is thrown out of the window.
Those business leaders and entrepreneurs at the top of their areas of expertise appreciate the values of self-care. They know that even at their busiest points, creating time to take care of themselves is vital. It’s time all entrepreneurs considered the following three steps: this is the starter pack on leading a healthier life which in turn can boost both individual and business performance.
Table of Contents
Have “me time” daily
Successful people must learn how to fix some “me time” into their busy schedule. This entails finding moments to calm your mind and opportunities to spend time with yourself. “Me time” can be used for self-awareness, to reflect on the events of the day and take stock of its achievement vis-a-vis expectations. “Me time” can be just 30 minutes doing anything – as long as it’s not work-related. Notably, Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder, takes a “me week” where he spends time in a forest away from the hustles and bustles of office life with just books and total quietness.
There’s no excuse not to take this time, as nowadays the internet truly enables people – and that includes entrepreneurs! – to dive into activities of all manners through digital platforms held in the palms of their hands (thus accessible wherever and whenever). Take the launch of Rolla in 2018, just one example of many in the Canadian online casino scene. Sites like this allow users to while away some free time and they’re an apt outlet for entrepreneurs – known for their risk-taking – allowing them to explore the excitement of chance, but still taking a step back from work. So, although not everybody can afford a whole week of ‘me time’ like Bill Gates, taking a few minutes every day is absolutely achievable with this kind of technology quite literally in hand.

Sources: Pexels
Exercise daily
A daily work out is part of most successful entrepreneurs’ lives. The founder of Virgin group, Richard Branson, notes that being physically and mentally active through daily exercise is part and parcel of business success. In one of his posts, Branson states that he starts every day with exercise, be it cycling, tennis or an hour in the gym. It is almost impossible to click a good balance between career success and happy personal life without taking the issue of personal health and fitness with due seriousness. To some entrepreneurs, exercise has been the steering wheel in guiding their venture to great heights and often increases their productivity.

Sources: Pexels
Adequate sleep
Inadequate sleep can heighten levels of fatigue, subsequently compromising performance. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can lead to severe brain impairments similar to those witnessed when one is drunk. Adequate sleep is essential to the general well-being of human bodies. It gives the body a chance to repair and heal, and ultimately, supports brain functioning. Eight hours of sleep is adequate to get energized and wake up feeling sharp and ready to make a perfect decision.
Self-care is an important element of life and scheduling time to spend alone and reminisce on the day’s achievement and challenges can go a long way in improving career success. It doesn’t matter how tight your schedule is, self-care is as important as your business commitments.