An Interview with Inventory Specialist, Frank Monte

Frank Monte is Head Buyer at Brands Gone Wild, where his primary responsibility is overseeing inventory procurement. He possesses a keen attention to detail and a deep understanding of marketing trends and customer preferences, enabling him to ensure a seamless alignment between the merchandise offered and the demands of the market. Under his leadership, Brands […]

Interview with Mompreneur Harmony Vallejo, Universal Events CEO

Harmony Vallejo’s dedication to shaping a brighter future for the next generation has been a lifelong passion.Based on her extensive experience in communication and marketing, she founded Universal Events, Inc. as a way to serve communities and help nonprofits thrive.As CEO, she leads a team of seasoned professionals with skills that span social media, communications, […]

5 Things To Consider Before Venturing Into Entrepreneurship

Planning to start your own business? It’s important to consider various factors before diving into entrepreneurship, especially since 2023 will bring about its own set of opportunities and challenges. To start, take a look at your financial status and investment options. Don’t forget to check your credit score, as a good credit rating is essential […]

Executive Consultant Kevin Modany Highlights 2024 Management Consulting Industry Trends (and Executive Consultants’ Key Roles)

Kevin Modany, an experienced executive consultant, highlights recent trends in the management consulting industry, and showcases how to leverage these trends to maximize success. As the global business landscape grows increasingly more complex, experts with advanced skill sets may be required to oversee operations and perform other key functions. In addition, onsite experts continue to […]

Harver Assessment for Your Entrepreneurial Success: A Winning Combination

Running a thriving company is not a one-man show, so hiring the right people for the team can mean the difference between sought-after success and dreaded failure. However, filling open positions can be difficult and time-consuming, especially for young companies with few resources. Thankfully, businesses, including startups, can now benefit from a streamlined, more economical […]