If you’re someone interested in self-betterment and read a lot of self-help books, you’ve probably come across the phrase get out of your comfort zone. We hear a lot about why it’s beneficial to get out of this mysterious comfort zone, but we don’t hear so much about HOW to do it. Most comfort zone […]
10 Highly Effective Letting Go Of Resentment Exercises
Resentment can be a very poisonous feeling that arrives as harmless but soon starts rotting our minds. It is an addictive state of mind that keeps you stuck in a deep well of negativity. And since we are talking about it, let’s accept the fact that people use resentment as a substitute to hide their […]
How to Organize Your Thoughts
Every day there are millions of thoughts going through a human mind… thoughts of work, home chores, other responsibilities, that random fact from 4th grade, that one song you heard a week ago, and so on and so forth. While all these thoughts might be amusing, not all of them are significant to the present. […]
5 Tips to Have a Healthy Work-Life Balance
We spend most of our adult lives either at home or at work. These two places become the most important parts of our lives because we need both for survival. It is important to have a balance between both. Here are some tips to help you achieve the balance: 1. Fix Your Priorities Any busy […]
What Is The Pomodoro Technique
If you are an entrepreneur, managing your time is one of the most important skills that you require. You might think you are in control of your time but as tasks build up learning how to get them done efficiency can help out in the long run. To most people planning and scheduling is a […]