Introduction Running a start-up is steeped in risks and uncertainty. The risks have multiplied post Covid 19 stagnation. Now that the covid iceberg has diluted, the opportunities for business development shine brightly once again. Under these circumstances, the business must follow the mantra of retaining experienced employees and onboarding new ones. Under the circumstances, you […]
From Startup to Success: How Get Cardbox’s Trello Power-Up Has Changed Project Management
Card box has become one of the most popular power-ups for Trello, with over 100,000 installations. This is not surprising, as managing email and project management tasks can be a daunting and time-consuming task, especially when it involves multiple team members. Thankfully, Card box provides a solution to these issues by integrating Gmail with Trello, […]
The Best Types of Bank Accounts for Entrepreneurs
Starting a new business can be an exciting and fulfilling journey. However, entrepreneurs must navigate a complex financial landscape to ensure their businesses thrive. One important aspect of this process is choosing the right type of bank account. In this blog, we will discuss the best types of bank accounts for entrepreneurs, including current accounts, […]
How Small Businesses Can Do Their Own PR
Public relations has long been viewed as an unsolvable mystery for the average small business owner. If you can’t afford to hire a PR agency or you don’t have a preexisting connection with a prominent journalist, you might assume that the benefits of PR just aren’t in the cards. It’s not as if PR is […]