Image source: clientsondemand.com
There’s a reason why Inc. magazine recently ranked Clients on Demand (COD) as one of the fastest-growing companies in America. These guys know how to get results. If your business makes money by supplying a service to its customers, sit up, and pay attention because Clients on Demand could help you scale your business like never before.
Here’s a quick overview of what COD offers their students, the key problems they solve, as well as some insider reviews that highlight what you can expect once you get behind the closed doors.
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What is Clients on Demand?
The program is led by CEO and Founder, Russ Ruffino. Ruffino has a small team of elite business coaches who help deliver the course content to students, as well as offering one-to-one sessions, mentoring, and strategy calls to help you get the most out of the program.
“We exist to help coaches, consultants, and service providers attract the right clients at the right price, anytime they want,” says Ruffino. “To actually create that kind of transformation takes a relentless focus on helping our clients win.”

Source: Clients on Demand
Clients on Demand teach cutting-edge marketing strategies that help you find the perfect clients for your business without having to constantly churn out content in the process.
What problems does Clients on Demand solve?
Attracting the right clients
It’s not just about finding any client you can get your hands on. This program teaches you strategies that help you locate and attract the right clients for your business. The ones that are coachable, ready to learn, and will make the most from your sessions.
Finding how to find the best outcome for your clients
COD maintains a client-first approach on everything they do, which translates into the message they portray. If you learn how to look after your clients and help them achieve their goals, then you will too.
Understanding the optimum price you should charge for your service
The average Clients on Demand student raises their prices between 500 -1,000% by implementing COD’s unique positioning strategies.
Stepping up your funnels game
COD’s marketing strategies work. It’s as simple as that. They know what it takes to get results and where and how to find the best clients around.
Changing your mindset
One of the main emphases of the coaching and mentoring sessions is learning how to overcome your self-limitations. Success is a mindset that must be learned, and COD teaches you how to do that.
Providing Elite level coaching and mentorship
The coaching and mentorship COD offers is second to none. All of the coaches are successful businessmen and women in their own right, each with a different approach and perspective. This helps you learn well-rounded ways to overcome problems.
Insider Reviews of Clients on Demand
Let’s take a look at what some of the Clients on Demand members have to say about the course:
“I am LOVING what I do and so grateful for my clients and how they show up. My business practices are SOLID, and I’m ready to do the training process justice this time! I live my life, knowing I have the best business model in the world! “
“Yesterday, I enrolled my first client at the premium price I finally believe I’m worth. When I launched my funnel in July, the first calls didn’t go well. Lots of money objections. I caved, ignoring COD’s advice, and dropped my price. The very next call enrolled, starting a string of enrollments. I was incredibly grateful to be serving folks, and I let myself accept the lower price. Only after these initial clients began experiencing massive results did I return to this question and let myself believe I was worth it. This is client #10, so I stuck my flag in the ground and declared it’s time to step up. I’m so glad I did. The very first client I offered my premium pricing to didn’t flinch. Paid in full with no objections. I danced. I am feeling incredible gratitude for the COD journey. You’ve helped me tap into my potential on a deeper level and serve people at a higher level than ever before. If you’re like me and resist charging what you’re worth, don’t indulge these thoughts. You’re worth it. Step into your power. I’m so thrilled I did.“
“I’m celebrating making some minor tweaks to my funnel and webinar + mindset around my funnel. I’m now choosing abundance, joy, and gratitude. I can’t even think about where my kids and I would be if I hadn’t watched Russell webinar.”
“I joined COD Sept 2016. This is a fabulous place to be. Thank you, Russell Ruffino, for showing me how to make my dreams come true and for sharing your own journey of letting go and allow the universe to deliver what is divinely ours. So grateful that I get to glide easily and effortlessly in your jet stream.”
Final Word
Clients on Demand is a truly valuable program that offers success to those that have the drive, determination, and perseverance to go out there and earn it. After all, you can be shown the path, but you are the one that has to walk it.
Fortunately, COD has a team of top-notch coaches and mentors to help you every step of the way. So what are you waiting for?