Every entrepreneur strives to achieve success. Yet, what exactly is success? How can you measure it and how can you be certain that the company you worked so hard to build should be your source of pride?
Financial performance is undoubtedly the key indicator in the assessment of the stability and status of every business venture. However, apart from profit, there also exist other – equally important – indicators of success. Thanks to them, company owners can evaluate if their objectives have been met and whether their enterprises are something they can be proud of.
A loyal client
The number of satisfied clients who happily come back for more of your services or products is one of the most vital non-financial indicators which allow you to verify if your company is a success. By having access to an appropriate management system, you can verify what percentage of your clients are regular clients, in contrast to new clients. Having this type of information is very useful. It enables you to plan out your future actions in order to transform your new clients into ones who never fail to return for more of your products or services. A loyal clientele is the pride and joy of every company.
An active brand ambassador
A happy and loyal client is the best brand ambassador any company can have. By placing his trust and sympathy in your business venture, this loyal customer is keen to recommend your services and products to his family and friends. As a result, he helps you build a positive image of your company. Moreover, this client’s opinion is a wonderful reflection of the quality of your services and products – it enables you to establish which elements you have managed to bring close to perfection and which still require some extra care. Having a group of loyal clients means that you can rest assured about the future of your business. By making them feel that they mean a lot to you and that you appreciate their input into the success of your venture, you strengthen and validate your mutual relations. In order to motivate them further to share their positive opinion about you company, it is worthwhile to conduct regular satisfaction surveys and invite them to join a loyalty programme.
A well-knit team
Constructing an effective team is not an easy task, as in addition to suitable competencies, it also requires the input of business management tools. A system enabling fair remuneration and accounting, suitable methods of communication and task allocation, as well as motivation and regular work progress assessments, are all elements which can have a significant effect on employees’ behaviour and their commitment to work. For that purpose, we can take advantage of tools which assist the manager in managing his employees, organising their workloads and even looking after their well-being. Remember – if your employees are happy, you have already triumphed.
The work-life balance
If you spend all your days, and sometimes also your nights, on managing your company, and you have no time to reflect, you will find it impossible to notice your own success. Take some time to consider the tools and solutions which will help you automate and accelerate the performance of the most repetitive tasks. Preserving the appropriate work-life balance is of great importance. It will enable you to be more efficient in your actions and allow you to find the time to relax and invest in yourself.
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I completely agree – making a living is important, but no one would like to work in a toxic environment: a good leader should make sure both financial and non-financial goals are met 🙂
Great article! All these four points are spot-on when it comes to judging the extent of success that a company has had. The third point about teamwork resonated the most with me while reading this. It’s ultimately the team spirit and perfect co-ordination between the members of a team, which plays the pivotal role in the success of a project.