Does Your Snap Score Increase With Unopened Snaps?

Do you actually know what your snap score reflects? It just showcases how active you are on the app. Essentially you boost your snap score by sending and receiving snaps to your friends, maintaining snap streaks etc.

But the real question is does your snap score increase with unopened snaps.

What Is A Snapchat Score?

The activity that happens on the Snapchat app is basically your snap score. It depends on the number of snaps you send and receive. The more you use Snapchat, the more your snap score goes up.

Apart from sending and receiving snaps, the activity you do on the app also increases the score.

Where Is Your Snap Score Located?

snap score

If you’re trying to find the snap score, try to find it on your profile next to your username.

This method is also a good way to check on your friend’s snap score to see who has more activity on Snapchat. You can also check how many snaps they have sent out and received.

The Snapchat score indicates your use of Snapchat, so just like you can view anyone’s Snap Score, the same applies for you as well. Anyone can see your Snap Score as well.

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Can Your Snapchat Score Go Up Without Opening Snaps?

Since, Snapchat Scores also change based on the activity on the app, does your snap score increase with unopened snaps? The answer is yes, it does. It is possible to increase your snap score without opening snaps. There are a few ways to do so. For instance you can stay active on the app for longer hours, or send out a lot of snaps, without ever opening another.

Another way to increase your score involves never opening the app itself! This is done using third-party apps that give you the leverage to send snaps from your phone’s camera or desktop. Apps like SnapSaver allow you to bulk upload all your photos and videos via a web interface.

Can Your Snapchat Score Go Up Just By Sending Photos?

Well, the answer is both yes and no. If you’re the one who is sending the snap before you go offline, then your Snapchat score will go up even if you don’t open the app. This happens because you receive a point when your friend receives a snap.

However if you got a snap from your friend and did not open it, then your score will not move up. 

Your snap score will however keep moving upward even if you don’t open the app or previous snaps from your friend, but you keep sending snaps from your end. Your score will be associated only with the snap that you send.

The best way to gain more Snap Scores is to always use Snapchat stories, share snaps, add friends and do more activity on the app.

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5 Ways To Increase Snap Score

The best way to ensure that your Snapchat Score keeps going up is to use the app regularly. Here are some ways to make sure your Snapchat App keeps increasing:

Snap Sent And Received

We know by now that you get a point for sending a snap, and you also get a point for getting back a snap from your friend. This is the best and easiest way to gain more points for your Snapchat Score.

However, remember that sending the same snap to multiple people still counts as one single point. So make sure to put some effort in each snap that you send out. Normal text messages on chat also don’t increase your score.

Posting Snapchat Stories

Many Snapchat users have discovered and reported that sending out multiple snaps on your stories does increase your Snap Score. So post that random sky picture along with your night-outs. A random cozy day in, a picture of a flower, anything that you lille and find pretty enough to share!

Snapchat Streaks

You must have a solid set of friends that you interact with daily, make sure you send your snaps with them and maintain your Snapchat streak. These pictures could be anything, using random filters to just a blank black photo. The idea is to keep the chain of sending and receiving snaps back consistent.

Open Snapchat After A Break

If you were taking a social media break or have not used Snapchat in a while, you should login now. If you login to your Snapchat account after a break and send a snap to your friends, this will count and you are awarded some points.

These points are given as a comeback to the app.

Add New Friends

Socialize not just on Snapchat, but also outside. This is because the more friends you make and add on Snapchat, the higher your Snap Score will rise. Keep snapping and keep adding!

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Do Group Chats Increase Snap Score?

Yes, group chats definitely help in increasing your Snapchat Score. If you are  part of a Snapchat group chat, you can gain points by sending and receiving points. If everyone participates in the snap sharing, this can be a quick and easy way to increase your snap scores.

But again remember that simply texting in the group does not increase your Snapchat Scores.

The more people you have in the group chat, the harder stretch of points can be accumulated from it. This is if all the members of the group equally participate in sending snaps on the group chat.

How To Increase Snap Score With Group Chat?

Adding more people into the group chat is one way to increase your snap score via the group chat feature. The more people in the group chat, the more exchange of snaps throughout the day, leading to an increase in Snap Score.

You can share your day and let everyone do the same to increase your Snapchat score.

How Often Is The Snap Score Updated?

The moment you open a snap that your friend has sent you, your Snapchat score will go up. On the other hand, if you send your friend a snap, the progress on your snap score will be reflected when your friend on the other end opens and views your Snap.

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How To See Your Friend’s Snapchat Score?

If you are eager to know the update on your friend’s snap score, you can find that out easily. Just go to your friend’s profile page to find out. However remember that you can view their snap score only if you are added as mutual friends.

Just simply open the chat with your friend whose snap score you want to find out. In the top left corner of the chat you will find their profile picture. When you click on it, a page opens up. On this page you can see your friend’s Snapchat Score.

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Does My Snapchat Score Benefit Me?

Well, there is no real benefit to it apart from boosting your social happiness. To be really fair it doesn’t really matter if you have a high or low snap score.

It does help people on Snapchat viewing your profile to understand that you’re an active member on the app, but apart from that there is no real purpose of a Snapchat Score.

You can easily use the app just because you like using it and without thinking anymore about it, or about your snap score to be fair. If your Snapchat score is low, the most that can happen is people will understand that you seldom use the app and are mainly inactive on it.

So, no, a Snapchat Score doesn’t have any real benefit to it.

So now that you know if you can increase your Snapchat score without opening the app or any snaps, we hope it makes your use with the app a lot easier and fun. Happy Snapping!

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.