9 Funnel Design Ideas to Accelerate Business Growth

You have been able to achieve all the goals that you set for your business. Now is the right time to scale your business and accelerate its growth. You are wondering how. Implementing an impactful funnel idea can be your answer.

Funnel design ideas to accelerate business growth are market segmentation, attracting new customers, launching and marketing new products, offering discounts, an informative website, creating unique customer experiences, secure payment gateways, and good after-sales customer service.

Attracting new customers is the backbone of business growth acceleration. Studying the market segments well and understanding the customer’s preferences can help a business grow. Small changes in the website and improving customer service can increase the business revenue.

Easy Funnel Design Ideas to Accelerate Business Growth

1. Analyzing and Assessing the Customer Base of the Business

Scaling a business is the next obvious step when the company has achieved its initial goals. The first step that emerges in this scenario is studying their customer base.

The identification assists in understanding the demands and preferences of the customers.

Once this aspect is understood, the business can focus on marketing strategies. These help keep the existing customers engaged and attract new ones as well.

The existing customer base analysis gives a fair idea to the business about the potential customer’s needs.

2. Attracting New Customers While Keeping the Old Ones

The existing customers are encouraged to continue their association with the business by exposing them to the new products or services launched by the enterprise in the market.

The existing customers can be attracted by:

  • Social media ads for new products.
  • Influencer marketing.
  • Offering discounts on new products when purchased with an old one.  
  • Email marketing to keep the attention.

Produce social media ads that highlight the brand’s strength and create awareness about the reliable nature of the brand.

Influencer marketing is one way to spread the word about the brand’s value-for-money products. It attracts new customers to the business.

In today’s age of false marketing, reflecting the brand’s core values in the ads and maintaining transparency also attract a lot of traction.

Take Blue Tokai’s example. Blue Tokai brought specialty coffee to a tea-drinking Indian home.

Their chief marketing strategy encompasses showcasing transparency and the quality of the products.

Blogging is another great way to attract new customers. My guide on how to start a blog will teach you how to successfully use this medium to grow your business.

3. Marketing New Products of the Company to Charm Customers

Marketing new products created based on market research and the feedback of old customers is a must.

It helps the business reach new customers who might benefit from the latest products.

New launches keep the existing customers interested in the brand.

It also relays that the business listens to feedback and understands market sentiments.

For example, Blue Tokai has recently launched ready-to-go coffees in several flavors for people who like to consume coffee on the go. It targets the millennials and Gen-Z alike.

Funnel Teacher’s founder and CEO, Shailen Vandeyar says:

“Marketing new products should be like being a magician—each launch is a new trick to captivate the audience. Keep on repeating the same stuff and people quickly figure out your secret and get bored.”

4. Offering Product Insight to Drive Business Growth

Once the products gather attention, the past user experience and success stories make the consumer take interest.

Provide detailed product knowledge, information about new launches, and discounts in newsletters to customers already associated with the brand.

Present the products or services through the landing page and branding in a way that reflects the ideology of the business.

The use of colors on the website’s landing page must match the ethos of the products.

There must be separate categories to search for products on the website.

The landing page should display video testimonials and success stories to present the brand’s quality.

Let’s take a look at Blue Tokai’s landing page. It uses soft pastel colors to reflect the colors of nature, reflecting the brand’s philosophy.

On their website, separate categories of products, such as coffee, merchandise, etc., are present for easy navigation.

5. Offering Discounts to Make the Shopping Experience Pleasant

Offering discounts to first-time customers attracts them to the products.

Mention the discounts on the landing page along with the marketing ads. Offer special rebates to old customers to make them stick with the business.

6. Providing Abundant Information for Easy Decision-Making

Offer a how-to-make/ how-to-use section. It will interest a new and an old customer alike.

These pages, like all other pages on your website, should be SEO optimized.

My article on SEO for Urban Entrepreneurs will teach you strategies to implement SEO tactics for your business.

A detailed description of the products or services attracts the customer towards the product.

Details of how the product production, the source of its origin, or information about the people involved in the process increase the brand reliability.

It ensures that the customer can trust the products and move ahead with the purchase.

Displaying pictures of the people behind the scenes gives a more human touch to the brand, allowing a fruitful purchase experience.

Blue Tokai mentions the different notes in their coffee, the acidity, roast, and texture that would surely interest a coffee lover.

There are several pictures of the workers who hand-pick the coffee beans and are involved in the processing.  

7. Delivering Unique Experiences to Make Your Business Stand Out

Creating a unique experience for the customer can make the purchasing experience more wholesome.

It will make the existing customers return for more interaction with the brand.

New customers will get excited with the prospect of having a one-of-a-kind experience. It will eventually push them towards buying the product.

Blue Tokai offers an option to visit the farm where the coffee is grown. It gives the customer a first-hand experience of seeing where their coffee comes from.

Personalization of the coffee packets is a unique experience that Blue Tokai offers. Adding the customers’ names on request is a distinctive marketing strategy. It makes a person feel like the product was made exclusively for them.

8. Creating a Safe and Secure Environment for Business Payments

A safe payment gateway is a non-negotiable aspect of the shopping experience. It ensures that the customer stays till the end and does not drop off at this point.

Quick confirmation of purchase via SMS or WhatsApp increases the customer’s trust. The ability to track the order allows the customer to be a part of the process till the product is delivered.

9. Giving a Stellar Customer Service for Business Growth  

Customer service must be a strong point for the business.  It assures the customer that their queries will be solved efficiently.

The founder of Blue Tokai stresses investing in quality people to look after customer service. He believes it is efficient customer service that brings customer loyalty.

Inform the customer about any delays in delivery or any other glitch to ensure customer loyalty.

Subscription models and loyalty enable businesses to build long-term relationships with their customers.