Employees working in an organization not only constitute its working team but are the very essence of that enterprise. Human Resource department developed decades ago, has been widely studied and researched, yet has got its introduction in the board meetings only off late.
CFO has always been more powerful than CHRO. The CEO’s even question the relevance of the latter in the presence of the former, yet they have soon realized that without a motivated workforce they can never be successful.
Technology is not only applicable to develop internet operated products, automatic manufacturing methods and machines run by robots, it has replaced the ‘human’ in the HR and has lead AI do the work that has always been gauged monotonous and not so important. HR is now one of the most celebrated functions and has a huge scope for technology integration.
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What is a HR Chatbot?
HR Chatbots are AI laden HR solutions for the development and interaction of all the employees across the organization. These chatbots ensure that employees are trained and on boarded in the most efficient manner and leave no chance for human negligence. When data driven technology is used to interact with employees at all the levels, it reduces miscommunication and replaces personal bias and prejudice with a pure intelligence and meaningful interaction. A HR chatbot is the future of HR department that promises a wide array of benefits at a minimal cost.
It has the following uses in the HR department.
1. Orientation and Introduction to the policies of the company.

A new employee is full of enthusiasm and expectation. Similarly the organization expects a lot from a new incumbent and thus a relation of expectation is built on both the sides. When employees undergo rigorous orientation programs for the initial few days they find the process to be monotonous and the excitement starts fading. To avoid unnecessary long monologue on companies policies and procedures companies today prefer HR Chatbots for the orientation and introduction process.
The new incumbents do not go through the long orientation process anymore. Rather they are introduced to the AI enabled HR chatbots which help them with the basic introduction and explain the policies when required. For instance if the new employee wants to apply for a leave, he can simply interact with the HR Chatbot and get appraised for the entire process. In this way, it saves time and efforts and makes the employee understand everything without any personal bias.
2. Chatbots are powerful Trainers. They are revolutionizing the process of Training.
Employee demographics and the diversity in workforce are making the trainers rethink the training strategies and pedagogy. Each individual comes from a different background, belongs to specific sect and has different ethical and cultural upbringing, independent ideologies and a unique mindset.
Training all of them under one training capsule might not be very effective in this context. Thus the use of chatbots in training is proving to be a new dawn in the sphere of training and development. The employees no longer need to escalate queries and wait for the responses from senior HR personnel.
HR Chatbots are programed with narrative and information to answer FAQ’s that solve most of the queries raised by the employees. Automated training modules help these chatbots to deliver training as and when required, and does not queue the process to fancy auditoriums or training calendars.
HR Chatbots encourage interaction and are more effective than watching a presentation slide or a video on employee safety and standards.
3. Employee Perks, Benefits and Enrollment for Recognition.

Employees are always encouraged and motivated when they receive any reward, acceptance or recognition. The financial and non-financial motivation tools work very well to keep the team rolling and deliver best results. To serve the purpose companies introduce many schemes, contests, employee engagement activities that define the parameters to participate and enroll for such programs.
Usually these contests and schemes are confusing and employees hesitate to question or put forth their queries or status repeatedly. In this situation HR Chatbots serve as the best solution, where all the information is stored and the process is updated automatically. If anyone wants to know the status, he can get complete information from the chatbot. Moreover benefit enrollment queries are best solved through this automated Chatbot system.
4. Feedback, Assessment, Appraisal

Managers really find it very difficult to communicate the appraisal reports and conduct the feedback analysis of the workers. It is very difficult to point out mistakes and inform the underperforming employees. Usually the employees take the appraisal as an opportunity to improve themselves, at times it has been observed that employees take the feedback personally and start nurturing grudges against the manager or the organization.
HR Chatbots giving proper information with factual data and comparative analysis become very instrumental in conveying the results of appraisal especially to the underperformers. As the employees are aware that HR Chatbots cannot be biased and process information only on the basis of facts they can comprehend the report without bearing any negative stand towards the appraiser.