How to Develop a UI/UX Design for a Fintech App: 5 Tips for Startups

In the age of social media, visual content is of paramount importance, so you have to make a pretty picture. If the design doesn’t attract attention in the first seconds, then they will immediately forget about you. Also, don’t wait for an increase in the audience if users cannot intuitively understand how the application works.

When it comes to fintech application development, the UI/UX should be as simple and straightforward as possible to understand. Yes, the financial world will never be like this, so your task is to simplify everything that is possible.

At a basic level, fintech applications are very similar to applications in other industries. But, working with them, you will surely face the problem of transforming something complex into a simple tool that will be understandable even for schoolchildren. So pay close attention to these five things. 

Good text 

The text should be understandable to everyone, regardless of his level of education and material wealth. But some complicated terms like “overdraft” or “prolongation” are simply inevitable. Think of an easy way to explain these terms to customers without overwhelming them with information.

The smoothness of the interface 

It is very important not to overload users with tasks and to use a fluid structure. For example, you can divide the user registration process into three parts. First, ask for basic data: name, birthday, address, etc. After that, provide them with a draft of the service. If they are happy with what they see, they can click the “Continue” button and fill in the rest of the fields. Thus, you will attract even more customers, since they do not need to enter all information about themselves and you can even test the service itself! 

You need to think in advance about what personal data can be changed and what should remain intact. For security reasons, it is best to allow as little change as possible, but everything can change for the client, even gender. 


This is the first thing the client sees. Studies show that 60% of people decide whether a product will be attracted to them just by seeing its color. The right color increases brand awareness by up to 80%. According to international research, 21% of millennials said they uninstalled an app just because they didn’t like the way it looked on their phone screen. 

Of course, it can be argued that color is a matter of taste. But remember the color lessons, where you were told about the rules for combining colors and their effect on people. Please note that the interpretation of colors will depend on the country and culture where your applications will be used. Let’s say purple in Western cultures is a symbol of piety, belonging to high society and faith, but in Thailand and Brazil, it is a mourning color.

Responsive design and correct content display 

Fintech app UX design has a feature that is important to always keep in mind. Financial proposals must display large amounts of data in tables: statistics, reports, etc. Therefore, the developer must consider how it will look on different screens: from the iMac to the $50 Chinese phone. 

Make sure all numeric application fields are set to decimal. This will allow you to enter a certain number of digits after the decimal point, as they can greatly affect the calculation. 

Find the team 

If you can gather like-minded professionals, then product development shouldn’t be a problem for you. Communicate goals, think about what problems the service solves and how everyone will be able to use the product – from bankers to cleaning ladies, from actors to economists. 


As you can see, design is not only about the look but also the way of working. In terms of UX design for fintech, an app should not only be visually pleasing but also make complex things easier for users while remaining clear and transparent. To create the best fintech UX, make sure your application text is understandable for people with different backgrounds and financial backgrounds. Visual cues such as color schemes must match the cultural perceptions of the audience, and all information must be presented in a way that is appropriate for different channels.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.