Unique packaging can spell the difference between a brand that stands out and one that blends in with all the others. Packaging is as important as the quality of the products you’re offering. It’s a fact that packaging affects many customers’ purchasing decisions.

Here are a Few Ways to Effectively Show Your Brand in Your Packaging:
- Use Unique Stickers
Using unique stickers on your packaging will make it easier for your customers to recognize your brand. This shouldn’t be hard to achieve because companies such as Stickeroo can customize stickers that solely represent your brand. Once your target market is able to associate your brand with stickers made especially for your company, you can haul in more customers.
- Place Your Brand’s Logo in a Visible Position
Putting your brand’s logo on the packaging is only efficient if the logo is visible. The positioning of the logo must depend on the type of packaging. For example, if you package a certain product using a plain square box, the logo can be on any side of the package. However, if you have a package design that includes over-lapping material, the logo has to be placed on the side where there is no distraction. If the logo is hidden behind an over-lap, consumers will find it difficult to readily identify your product.
- Choose a Unique Type of Packaging
For your brand to stand out, you have to be creative about your packaging style. For example, if the majority of the players in your industry use square boxes for their products, you may want to consider thinking outside that box. You can adopt an oval or triangular-shaped packaging that will stand out.
Your product might be on the same shelf as several other brands that are offering the same product. The more unique your brand shows on your packaging, the higher the chances of catching consumer attention.
- Include Brand Colors in Your Packaging
Consumers can associate your brand to the colors that you use. If your company colors are blue and white, you can consistently package your products using blue and white material. The consistency of colors can result in consumers familiarizing with your product without having to read identification information on the package.
- Keep It Simple
If your packaging is too busy and overwhelmed by many colors and designs, your brand will not be clear to consumers. As much as you aim to be unique and stand out, keep it simple. Avoid including a wide spectrum of colors and paragraphs of writing.
Of course, simple does not mean plain. Your custom brand packaging design can still stand out with the help of carefully selected accents. Those can go as part of your boxes’ or packaging’s printed pattern, or those can be part of the finishing touches. On that note, you can even get creative with wrapping paper, ribbon, or twine. With simple tweaks here and there, your brand can deliver a unique and exciting unboxing experience.
- Invest in Brand Design Equipment
The quality of your packaging and brand is crucial. It is therefore important not to create shortcuts in the aim to save money when packaging your products, otherwise your brand won’t efficiently show. If consumers have to squint to make out the typography, or your brand design is smudged, you risk compromising your brand. You will have to research the different types of software that produce high-quality brand packaging design. You will also have to invest in the expertise that can materialize the branding. It is possible to have the quality software but come out with ugly logos because you or a designer lack the expertise needed to execute this program.
- Understand Your Market
You may think that your brand is showing efficiently on your packaging having followed the practical steps above. However, if your targeted market and clientele don’t agree that your brand is efficiently showing, then all your hard work was for nothing. You have to look at your packaging from the perspective of the consumer, the easiest way to do this is through market research.
Consumer interviews, focus groups, questionnaires, and surveys regarding your brand on your packaging will give insight regarding where you may need changes and improvements, as well as the areas where you are efficient. This will be the best way to get an unbiased opinion and help you market your brand through your packaging.
- Use Clear Typography
In today’s fast-paced world, using clear typography on packaging is important for the effective marketing of your products and services. It is also imperative to convey your business message clearly to potential customers through your packaging. The use of professional packaging is often considered to be a reflection on the quality of your products and services. But it is not only about being successful in selling – the appearance of the product should be attractive and eye-catching as well.
The clear typography can have an impact on the design of your packaging and the way the product looks on the consumer’s shelf. By using clear fonts and colors, your product will look appealing and be easily visible to consumers. By making use of professional packaging designers, you can make sure that the contents of your packages and labels are presented in a way that is attractive. Your packaging is the first impression your potential clients will take away from your products, and a badly designed or poorly placed item will quickly fade into oblivion.
You have to package your product in such a way that forms an association with your consumers. This means that your brand has to be unique, informative, and attractive for positive consumer interaction. Ways that you can effectively show your brand in your packaging include using custom unique stickers, visibly positioning your logo, including your brand colors in the packaging, using clear typography, and investing in quality designs for your packaging.
Your market can largely determine how your brand will efficiently show. Consumer perception is important in determining your brand’s packaging strategy. You must also be open to trying out different package designs and styles, to analyze those that work in the market. Continuing to adopt a branding strategy that doesn’t encourage consumer response can lead to poor sale performance.