Financial trading has been a high barrier-to-entry trading sector, but this is changing as time goes by in today’s market. Technology has made it possible for anyone with get-up-and-go and endurance to trade. Most people wonder how can one make a living trading stock, forex or precious metals! These days, nearly anyone can make a living by working as a day trader from home, courtesy of online trading. Sounds fantastic? The idea that anyone can quit their day job and make a living trading stocks, forex or precious stone. Right?
To many, it seems like an impossible fantasy, but it’s possible to day trade for a living. Financial trading offers great options for people with the desire to put in the time and learn day financial trading. So, how to make a full time living in financial trading?
Table of Contents
The new era of financial trading
Today, technology advances and the increasing number of exchanges have revolutionized the market with some meager barrier-to-entry trading opportunities. Some trading careers don’t require personal capital, and in other cases, only a small amount of money is needed to get started and verify your commitment to trading. The market is highly interlinked, forex trading is running 24/7 around the world, and a trader can access such markets via the internet with ease. This means that you can trade any time of the day from home. All you need is the right market and opportunity.
Note, financial trading isn’t an easy business; it can be very tough to stay in the long-run. It’s easy to enter the market, but the ultimate success depends on you. Financial trading can be done full- or part-time depending on your situation to generate additional income.
Getting Ready to Trade
First, spend serious time learning everything about financial trading. The aim is to be a day trader for short-term gains, unlike an investor looking for long-term profits. You need to put in enough hours that will give you a stronger understanding of the trading world you’re about to invest your time. It’s easy to access information from regulatory bodies such as the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), Internal Revenue Services (IRS), and Financial Industry RegulatoAuthority (FINRA). The information will get you started on regulation, market management and what is required of you.
To master financial trading, you will need a sound trading methodology, that will take advantage of volatility and high level of risk management as its core principle. As you learn to trade test the methods in different market environments as a demo and then with real money to make sure you’re ready to get started.
Full-time financial trading needs a lot of preparation. Set aside at least one year’s worth of income before you start-money earning for your living expenses. This provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your new career without the pressure of having to trade to make the rent. Steel yourself for income inconsistency that accompanies trading.
Available Trading Options
An average person can quickly enter the trading arena with little trading experience and create worth. The best option is to learn to create a trading plan using top online courses such as “Become A Day Trader.” The course will guide you on actual trade and include a step-by-step trading book for six trades you can start right away, and it takes less than a week to complete. You can also search for free material online and learn day trade at home.
Trade Independently
This the first option and the easiest, it’s flexible, and you can trade from home molded around your daily life. Day trading at home is capital intensive, as the minimum capital prerequisite for a trader is $25,000 which must be sustained at all times. In case it falls below the minimum to trade, you will have to reset the level by either cash or securities. However, other markets require less capital with low barriers-to-entry. For example, forex trading is an excellent alternative with a trading minimum of $100, the market open 24 hours a day for traders who cannon trade during regular hours.
CFD trading, on the other hand, provides volatility and high leverage, with a smaller amount of capital needed to enter the market.
Proprietary Trading Firms
If the idea of trading from home doesn’t work for you, you can opt for the trading floor — this a great option to try with proprietary trading firms providing great training programs and low fee structures. On a contract basis, a day trader can work for proprietary trading and receive a share of the profits made from trading.
Last Take
Day trading for a living is highly attractive since it allows you the opportunity to be your boss while generating additional income. It’s critical to decide a trading option that fits you and choose a market based on your capital and interest. You must then make a comparison trading plan equivalent to a business plan as trading is your new business and decide how to operate as a trader. Find and explore a few online brokers, and what they offer coupled with a mentor helping you and start your trading.
With those caveats in mind, day financial trading offers a consistent income, and it’s an extremely lucrative way to make a living.