Time management is essential to get a lot of work done in time. With the use of tools and techniques, time management becomes easy. It is possible to get overwhelmed with work and keep a tab of important tasks and schedules. Organize minutes and hours of work with a paper or a digital planner. Many tools available online make it easy for you to use your planner as you go. A planner is helpful in ensuring you are not missing an appointment or a meeting.
Table of Contents
Daily, Important Tasks
It is essential to have an organizer whether you are working or a homemaker as it helps you in keeping everything organized and lets you keep a tab of tasks done in time. Making a chronology of tasks and checking them off as you complete them gives you an insight into the amount of time taken to complete the task. When you review every day’s work with an organizer you get insights on the tasks which are time-consuming, redundant, and important.
You can delegate, speed up the work, and come up with better solutions for tasks that are taking a long time to complete. You can review each day’s progress with a planner and improve time management to get a lot done in less time.
Create Separate sections

With an organizer you can create categories and sections for different tasks which makes it easy for you to glance through and make daily decisions. It helps you make a good schedule leaving time for leisure and other activities. Organize each day with a planner to have a satisfactory routine so you are not running around in haste to complete tasks haphazardly.
You get an insight on a list of tasks that are important and the ones which can be scheduled for later time. You become better at organizing tasks and prioritizing each day eliminating distractions such as checking mails, answering unimportant calls, etc.
Lose perfectionism when it comes to creating a planner and a schedule. It makes each day easy to go by and have time for yourself and your loved ones. You will not be missing an important event, meeting, or a schedule when you use an organizer for personal and professional tasks.
Roster of Finished and Unfinished Tasks
You can make a checklist and put a tick mark on the tasks which are completed and the unfinished ones which can be scheduled to a later day. You can also keep a list of habits, and things that are distracting you and find a way to keep them out of your schedule. Keep the list of important tasks at the top and cross them off once all of them are completed. Use a pencil if you want to write down a task that will have any changes.
Personal Tasks
This includes responsibilities towards yourself and your family. List of purchases, groceries, getting a haircut, etc can be used in a separate section. It is a good idea to create two different sections to organize personal and work related tasks. Appointments made towards meeting the doctors, trainers, etc go in the personal section.
It could include important events of your kids, family members, and loved ones. Create a social calendar that has information about important events you want to attend, your personal projects, time schedules for hobbies. It lets you use your full potential as you will not be overworked and will find time for activities and interests you want to pursue outside work.
It helps you balance your personal and professional tasks and enjoy time as you play hard. You will have enough time to spend with your loved ones when you have a planner that helps you organize and review. It gives you thoughts to ponder about and not miss on important events and activities that let you connect with your loved ones.
Is A Task Not Done Repeatedly?
If you are scheduling a task over and over, a planner lets you understand the reasons behind the delay so you can come up with a solution to complete the task. Delays could sometimes be due to exterior conditions such as weather, natural calamities, health problems, or modern day problems. Your personal problems, mental attitudes, or lack of motivation could also result in the delay of work.
Note down the list of problems that are stopping you from completing the work. It helps you come up with solutions that eliminate the problems causing delay. You can complete boring and tedious tasks that are important and do not interest you when you have a solution to deal with it and get the work done on time.
Self Improvement
For those who are serious about personal growth, a planner is a simpatico and a good aid to get started with. You can make a list of strengths and weaknesses, work on them daily to experience progress in your personal life. It could improve your relations, help you build better connections, boost your self confidence and self esteem.
Making a list of your drawbacks and strengths lets you focus on improving your strengths and in developing a good mental attitude towards ambiguity and everything that you deal with in life. You can make a checklist and focus on the things that you want to improve in your life. Figure what is going wrong and find a solution that brings positive results.
Use Your Planner Daily
This is a good habit to develop as you get information and insights to long term and short term goals. Using it once in a while or only for important tasks or events is not as effective as you use it daily. You can set reminders, review every task for its complexity, and find happiness completing all that is in your hand.
A planner is a sine qua non in today’s life. Whether you are a student, a homemaker, or a working professional, a planner helps you in keeping your daily tasks organized and prioritize those which are important. It’s your trusty-sidekick that you can count on to not complete work but also reflect on various aspects of life.