Credit: 401(K) 2013
Whatever way you earn your living, there’s always the potential for a little extra earning online. It doesn’t have to be related to your day job – you can make your internet income around your hobby if you want to.
One of the easiest ways to make money from the internet is to set up and run your own website or blog. You don’t have to be tech-savvy to build your own website these days – there are plenty of website host and templates that you can use to be up and running within an hour or two. Aside from signing up with a host such as www.1and1.co.uk or weebly.com and the template, the other requirement is content.
It’s up to you what content you use – whether you use your own musings as blog entries, or get guest writers to contribute to your site too. You can also post images, videos and items for sale.
The website or blog that you create is the first of your building blocks to earn extra income online. There are plenty of avenues that you can then use on your site to make extra money – here are just a few examples.
Lottery affiliation programmes
More and more people play the lottery online these days, taking part in international lotteries such as Powerball and MegaMillions as well as annual lotteries such as the Spanish Christmas lottery. Even if you don’t have a winning ticket, you can still make money from the lottery by becoming an affiliate for a site like Lottoland. Basically, by adding a banner on your website, you can earn commission each time someone clicks through and deposits money into a Lottoland account. Check out the Lottoland partner programme terms if you want the potential to earn €100 per user.
Amazon Associates
Want to be a part of one of the world’s biggest online retailing success stories? You can sign up to join the Amazon Associates program for site owners and bloggers. There’s a range of different ad styles that you can use on the Amazon website to display on your own site. These include banner images and text-based ads. If an item is purchased through an Amazon link on your site, you’ll get commission and your earnings can either be applied to your Amazon account balance or be deposited into your bank account.
Company referrals
Carrying banner ads isn’t the only way you can earn extra money on your website. You can also email companies that sell products that you wish to review on your website and ask them for sample goods. For example, if your blog is about bringing up baby, you could get a vast amount of baby and toddler products as freebies over the years.
Once you begin to get a decent amount of traffic to your website, you’ll be surprised how much associate and affiliate banner advertising and company referrals can earn you.
I’m using amazon associate platform to make some side income online.