Top Small Cap Mutual Funds for Strategic Investors


Investing in mutual funds is a popular way for individuals to grow their wealth over time. While large-cap funds often dominate discussions due to their stability and familiarity, small-cap mutual funds offer a different avenue for investors seeking potentially higher returns.

Let’s explore the intricacies of small-cap mutual funds and practical steps for investing.

What are Small Cap Funds?

Small-cap funds are mutual funds that invest primarily in stocks of smaller companies with relatively small market capitalisation. These companies are typically outside the top 250 listed on stock markets. Small-cap funds offer the potential for high returns but come with higher volatility due to the smaller size and potential for market fluctuations of these companies.

For investors seeking exposure to small-cap funds, leveraging the best app to invest in mutual funds can streamline the investment process. This user-friendly platform facilitates easy exploration and selection of small-cap funds, empowering investors to capitalize on potential growth opportunities while navigating market volatility effectively.

How Small-Cap Funds Work

To truly grasp how small-cap mutual funds operate, it’s essential to understand their underlying principles and investment strategies. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how these funds work:

  • Small-cap equity funds primarily invest in stocks of smaller companies with relatively small market capitalisation.
  • Although there’s no strict definition, these companies typically fall outside the top 250 listed on Indian stock markets. This sets them apart from larger companies regarding growth potential, risk profile, and market dynamics.
  • These funds usually allocate at least 65% of their assets to small-cap stocks.
  • While investing in small-cap funds can offer high returns, they also come with higher volatility due to the unpredictable nature of small-cap stocks.

Summary of Popular Small Cap Funds: How They Work and Expected Returns in 5 Years

Fund NameFund CategoryETM RankConsistency5 Year Return (Annualised)
DSP Small Cap FundEquity# 14 of 19 25.89 % p.a.
Edelweiss Small Cap FundEquity# 4 of 19 30.15 % p.a.
Tata Small Cap FundEquity# 2 of 19 29.19 % p.a.
Mahindra Manulife Small Cap FundEquityUnranked NA
Baroda BNP Paribas Small Cap FundEquityUnranked NA

Advantages of Small Cap Funds

Small cap mutual funds, while often overlooked, provide distinct advantages for strategic investors willing to embrace their unique characteristics. Here’s an in-depth look at the benefits they offer:

Early Exposure to Future Leaders

Small-cap companies are the startups of the stock market, representing budding enterprises with innovative ideas and ambitious growth plans. By opting for small-cap mutual funds, investors can benefit from early exposure to these potential future leaders before they become household names. This early entry can translate into substantial returns as these companies grow and prosper.

High Growth Potential

One of the most enticing aspects of small-cap mutual funds is their potential for explosive growth. Unlike their larger counterparts, small-cap companies have ample room to expand their operations, enter new markets, and disrupt industries. While this growth potential comes with increased risk and volatility, it also offers the possibility of outsized returns for investors who can weather market fluctuations.

Suitable for Aggressive Investors

Small-cap mutual funds are best suited for aggressive investors with a high-risk tolerance and a long-term investment horizon. While these funds can experience significant volatility in the short term, patient investors who stay the course can potentially reap substantial rewards over the long term. For those willing to embrace the risk, small-cap funds can be a powerful tool for portfolio growth and diversification.

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Who Should Invest in Small Cap Funds 

Small-cap mutual funds appeal to a specific subset of investors who are comfortable with the inherent risks and potential rewards associated with investing in smaller companies. Here’s a closer look at the types of investors who may find small-cap funds suitable for their investment objectives:

Long-Term Growth Seekers

Investors who prioritise long-term capital growth over short-term stability may find small-cap mutual funds particularly appealing. By allocating a portion of their investment portfolio to small-cap funds, long-term growth seekers can capitalise on the growth potential of smaller companies while diversifying their overall investment strategy. While short-term fluctuations may occur, patient investors who stay invested through market cycles can potentially benefit from the compounding effect and capitalise on the growth trajectory of small-cap stocks over time.

High-Risk Appetite Investors

High-risk appetite investors willing to accept short-term fluctuations in exchange for higher long-term returns may find small-cap mutual funds to be an attractive addition to their investment portfolio. By diversifying across different asset classes and investment styles, these investors can build a well-rounded portfolio that balances risk and reward and maximises the potential for wealth accumulation over time.

How to Invest in Small Cap Funds 

Thanks to the convenience of online investment platforms funds, investing in small-cap mutual funds has never been easier. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Register online on the chosen investment platform.
  2. Navigate to the mutual funds’ section and select the desired small-cap fund.
  3. Choose the investment amount and mode (SIP or lump sum).
  4. Provide KYC details, including PAN number and bank information.
  5. Complete the investment process.

By following these steps, investors can easily invest in small-cap mutual funds and gain exposure to this dynamic market segment through the best website for mutual fund investment. Remember to monitor your investments regularly, review your portfolio performance periodically, and make adjustments as needed to stay on track toward your financial goals.


Investing in small-cap mutual funds can be an effective strategy for investors seeking high growth potential in their portfolios. However, it’s essential to recognise the associated risks and align investment decisions with long-term financial goals. By understanding how small-cap funds operate, who they are suitable for, and how to invest in them, investors can make informed decisions to optimise their investment returns. Consulting with a financial advisor can also provide valuable insights tailored to individual investment objectives and risk profiles. To navigate the world of small-cap funds effectively, investors can also leverage the best app for mutual fund investment.


1. What is the ideal investment horizon for small-cap mutual funds?

Short-term fluctuations are common in small-cap funds, making them suitable for investors with a long-term investment horizon of at least five years or more.

2. How do small-cap mutual funds compare to large-cap and mid-cap funds in terms of risk?

Small-cap funds typically carry higher volatility and liquidity risks than large-cap or mid-cap funds due to the smaller size and lower trading volumes of the companies they invest in.

3. Is there any taxation on small-cap funds?

Capital gains from small-cap equity fund units are subject to taxation based on the holding period. Short-term capital gains (STCG) from investments held for up to one year are taxed at 15%, while long-term capital gains (LTCG) surpassing Rs. 1 lakh are taxed at 10% if held for over one year.