Five Tech Trends That Are Improving Workplace Productivity For Business Managers

Five Tech Trends That Are Improving Workplace Productivity For Business Managers

In business, productivity refers to the efficiency with which tasks are carried out. Having a high level of productivity means that your staff will provide greater results. As it stands, the market is brimming with productivity tools. Furthermore, these project planning systems, time-tracking applications, and various other tools all have something in common: they make it easier to get things done.

Using productivity tools helps to better promote cooperation and communication, allowing employees to get along better and business executives to more clearly understand what’s going on in the organization as a whole. However, productivity has recently become a buzzword, and many managers mistakenly believe that investing in a productivity tool will overhaul their business.

This, however, is not always going to be the case. Because the market is flooded with productivity-boosting technologies, it’s best if you select the one that best meets your company’s needs. With that in mind, let’s go ahead and look at the five technological trends that have helped to improve productivity. 


Automation has changed the way we do business. In simple terms, automation means creating and doing tasks with no human intervention. These tools allow companies to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks like data entry, report generation, or emails, to mention a few. Allowing automation to handle the busy work frees up your employees’ time and energy, which can be used on more important projects.

Remote Onboarding

Because of the recent coronavirus pandemic, it has become increasingly common for workers – especially those in the IT sector – to work from home. As the rest of the world shifted to work from home, other aspects like managing, onboarding, and meetings also shifted. Now you can hire or be hired from the comfort of your own home thanks to a change in the hiring process known as “remote onboarding.”

Remote onboarding was first viewed with suspicion, and many businesses could not adjust to it. To some extent, remote workplace technology (such as Zoom, Trello, Slack, and GitHub) has simplified the hiring process. In turn, this helped companies make an easy shift. And now, if a company wishes to go back to the old, inefficient method of onboarding new workers, it will likely be a tough transition.

CRM: The Pinnacle of Productivity

You can’t mention productivity without taking time to mention CRM (Customer Relationship Management). They are like a magic box that can solve all, if not most, of your workplace problems. Using CRM solutions, a company may centralize all customer-related data while streamlining and automating the process. Let’s see why it’s in such high demand:

  • It’ll help you better connect with customers, allowing you to retain and attract new ones.
  • Streamlined communication will boost the efficiency of your employees.
  • Detailed analytics will allow you to analyze your workforce where they are most effective and help guide underperforming employees.
  • Time management functionalities will help keep things on track.
  • Integrating CRM with other software will help boost sales efficiency.

It’s incredible how all these functionalities can be bundled into a single CRM solution, increasing productivity and improving the overall working experience in the organization. 

Machinery Will Do The Heavy Lifting

As a society, we tend to think of technology as a digital phenomenon, but it has also impacted the physical world. Because of technological advancements, machines have become more efficient, smarter, and more robust. Businesses nowadays cannot function without the use of innovative technology. 

With the help of machines, workers are now able to do their jobs much more quickly and effectively than they could complete them by hand. For instance, certain advancements such as drones can help paramedics or military personnel carry out rescue operations and other tasks that were not possible before. Another modern marvel is none other than the exoskeleton suit

Once considered to be nothing more than mere science fiction, this tool makes it easier to run a distribution site by helping with the heavy lifting and helping to prevent injuries. Nobody could have predicted that we’d have such incredible tools at our disposal, but here we are. We can only speculate on what the future holds for us; perhaps we will be automated by robots as well.

Collaborative Work Spaces

We can safely argue that most modern businesses aim to be social spaces where people may work together in harmony. Working alone might become tedious after a while. However, when you have a team of coworkers to help you, the problem becomes much simpler. There is no limit to what may be achieved when great minds work together to achieve a shared purpose. A company’s greatest asset is its people, who can draw on each other’s skills and flaws to create something truly special. 

Collaborative efforts, despite their many benefits, still remain largely untapped. And in the end, the only way for businesses to remain competitive is to ensure constant output. Increased efficiency delivers a slew of advantages, including the ability to gain clients’ trust and a more significant portion of the market. Technology improvements have undoubtedly affected how firms function, and adopting and adhering to legitimate technological trends will assist your company in reaching new heights.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.