Hiring the right employees might be a hard task for any company. Employee recruitment is about managing stress in a way you will always be judged on your selection and there is no possible outcome to please everyone in an organization. Candidates might play double face in the interviews and show who they really are later on, when the decision of keeping them is taken. To avoid these situations from happening, from how you tailor your job listings to candidate evaluation; there are a few rules you can use to hire the right person for your business every time.

- Look for someone who is committed to the career
You want to hire someone who is committed to his or her career. Hiring employees who are constantly switching careers or jobs, just to get higher salaries is not what you want for your business. If an employee is not loyal to a company, hiring that person could definitely become a problem. Check the candidate’s previous job durations and if he or she is switching jobs constantly, this is definitely not the right person for the position. However, it is important to understand the candidate’s curriculum and the reasons behind the duration of her or his stay in certain positions. Understanding and not assuming is the first step to find a suitable person.
- Compatibility
The company’s culture is something to consider at this point. You want to find an employee that fits with the way your business works. Check whether the candidate has social skills to get along with others, especially with current employees and managers. Ask the candidate how he or she is managing current business clients to judge compatibility skills. Willingness is the mandatory feature a candidate must show. If a person cannot manage to get along with his or her current clients or previous bosses, it is not such a good idea to hire that person. Once again, understand the candidate and observe his or her behavior.
- Test for the excellence and analytical skills
Avoid relying solely on candidates’ resumes for evaluation. A resume can contain lies, but behavior is more difficult to hide. Consider incorporating different methodologies, such as a job assessment test, into your evaluation process to gauge candidates’ learning, analytical abilities, and more. A candidate with confidence is great, but what is needed is a person who has the educational requirements and skills that fit the job’s requirements.
- Keep improving the hiring system
Always focus on getting to know the capabilities, knowledge, skills, confidence, attitude, and potential of the candidate. Avoid the magic bullet questions or irrelevant ones. When advertising a job, make sure that all the requirements for the position are clear: responsibilities, experience, knowledge, and education. Involving other people in the recruitment will also always be a good idea since more opinions can help to find a suitable candidate. Discuss these strategies with the people you trust and keep on improving them.
- Hire interns
Once your intern is done with the traineeship, hire him or her. You already know the strengths, weaknesses, skills, knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, confidence levels and value of work. Picking the intern might have been hard already, so now all you need to do is hiring him or her and motivating the person the always progress.
- Getting social with the candidates
Do you usually ask personal questions to your candidates? If so, you should immediately hold your horses. It is awkward for both parties and it will lead you nowhere. Instead of that, your human resources should make an analysis of the candidate social media profiles. This can be a good strategy, especially for tech businesses. You can find many things about the candidate on their social media presence. Make your research and avoid the personal inquiry to the candidate. Social media tell you more than he or she will do in an interview.