Venice Attractions That Will Win Your Heart

The beautiful Venice.

Venice draws people in because of its diversity and contrasts, including its abundance of magnificently preserved palaces, churches, and breathtaking Renaissance masterpieces, as well as its abandoned Byzantine shipyards that now display cutting-edge art and its house museums that now host cutting-edge poetry readings and dance performances. It’s all about mixing ethereal old-world splendour with enigmatic chic.

One of Italy’s biggest airports, Marco Polo Airport, is located 15 kilometres from Venice. If you’re visiting Venice for the first time and don’t speak Italian well, AtoB Venice taxi from airport is always at your disposal. The chauffeur may pick you up from Marco Polo Airport in Venice and take you directly to the city centre or any other location in the city. You may work with AtoB airport transfer during your weekend in Venice without having to rely on public transportation.

Although Venice is a popular tourist destination, we attempted to highlight the best locations to visit for you on our list. Both well-known places that everyone undoubtedly wishes to see and lesser-known sites that are just as fascinating are on the list.

St Mark’s Basilica

The cathedral on St. Mark’s Square is so stunning that it resembles a fantasy church. Inside are gleaming golden mosaics, while the exterior has Byzantine domes, columns, lions, and angels. The church is still a functional place of worship with regular services, so if you’re only interested in the architecture, you may visit it while it’s not in use. However, be sure to check the website for the most recent information regarding opening hours and hire a cab in advance. Be advised that because the church is in Times Square in Venice, it has recently had to limit the number of tourists and there are sometimes long lineups. Make a trip plan in advance and book a cab.

Venetian Arsenal

The vast Byzantine arsenal and shipyard known as the Arsenal of Venice, which was constructed in the XII century, housed the Venetian military administration for many years. Now the city’s naval museum and one of the principal sites for the Biennale (Venice Festival) are located within its vast halls and beautiful gardens. Travellers can easily reach it by airport taxi. Collectors, visitors, and artists visit the Arsenale frequently during the Biennale to observe the exhibition or to unwind on one of the lawns with a harbour view.

Caffè Florian

Since 1720, Cafe Florian has been operating in the Piazza San Marco. In the beginning, authors like Proust, Dickens, and Casanova went there. It is now undoubtedly a tourist destination, yet it is also fascinating, lovely, and unmistakably romantic. To avoid the hassle of searching, use the help of AtoB airport transfer. And after that, you with other visitors can gather around low marble tables, sipping hot chocolate, and grabbing delectable pastries from silver platters while musicians perform in the square outside the entrance (for which you pay; the cost will be shown on your bill). Florian is a chic spot to pause and have a bite to eat for visitors visiting Venice.


Fondazione Querini Stampalia

Fondazione Querini Stampalia is a unique Venice attraction that combines a nineteenth-century house-museum, a contemporary exhibition hall, and a botanist’s dream garden. The collection spans centuries and defies categorization. For example, Renaissance paintings by Bellini and Tiepolo are displayed next to ancient instruments, gilded French porcelain is placed delicately on lace-trimmed tablecloths, and perfectly fluffy cushions are placed on gleaming Louis XVI chairs. Passing somewhere nearby by AtoB Venice airport transfer, be sure to add a stop here to your itinerary. Because this park, created in the 1960s by architect Carlo Scarpa, is a maze of symmetrical fountains and grass.

Mercato di Rialto

Even after hundreds of years, local cooks, both professional and amateur, still visit the fruit, vegetable, and fish market near the Rialto Bridge to restock their kitchens. Local artichokes and radicchio from Treviso, produced on surrounding islands, as well as crabs and eels collected directly from the lagoon, are all available depending on the season. You may also get local cherries and peaches. After all, AtoB Venice airport taxi will help you with your shopping. Except on Sundays, the food market is open from 7:30 to 13:00. The fish market is open during the same hours, but only on Tuesdays through Saturdays.


Scuola Grande di San Rocco

The ceilings and walls of the Scuola Grande di San Rocco’s two storeys are covered in some of the greatest works of Renaissance artist Tintoretto. The Scuola Grande di San Rocco is an elaborate Venetian “Scuola” (the administrative centre of a religious guild). Not to forget you can come here directly from Marco Polo airport using AtoB transfer. Every square inch of this building is decorated, including the more than 60 murals that portray scenes from the Bible, the numerous polished stones that cover the floor, each of which has been painstakingly carved and/or gilded pieces, and the man-sized wrought iron lamps.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.