Ways to Make Sustainability Part of Your Business

It’s becoming more apparent every day that climate change is a result of adverse environmental and social effects. People both in the private and public sectors are taking responsibility and attempting to go green. Sustainability has different definitions depending on the person. To some people, recycling is enough to help the environment. For other people, sustainability means an overhaul of their daily practices individually and the company culture in general. There is also the misconception that going green is expensive. The truth is it doesn’t have to be. There are simple changes that you can make that will save the environment and you the employer, some money. Here are three ways you can start to make sustainability part of your business.


1. Go paperless

If you have not yet digitized all your office documents, it’s about time that you do it. Research has shown that 938 gallons of water are saved for every worker that goes paperless. Take time to analyze your office documents, especially the ones that you print or fax daily. Come up with a digital system in the office that such documents can be edited, updated, and shared among people in the office. Later on, you can proceed to digitize invoices, among other documents. Another way to minimize the use of paper is to practice two side printing, and only when it is necessary to do you print.

2. Renewable energy

Using green energy will save you a lot of money on utility costs. Additionally, some states have tax incentives for companies that decide to use renewable energy. However, not every company can make the transition from using fossil fuels to solar or wind energy. For such companies, instead of dumping the waste oil, you can contact companies such as Beesley fuels to help you dispose of the waste responsibly. Proper waste disposal and management is also a big part of going green. Another way to conserve energy is to change your light bulbs. LED lighting will not save your company much, but it’s a great start. LED lighting uses less energy and does not contain toxic gases like incandescent lighting. Additionally, LED light lasts five times longer than fluorescent and incandescent lighting. The switch is, therefore, worth it.    

3. Work with other green vendors

Who is your supplier? Do they have systems in place that reduce their carbon footprint on the environment? If you are doing business with a printing company, be sure to ask if they are using recycled paper. If you are working with other manufacturing companies, find out about their sustainability efforts. Working with other green vendors shows that you are conscious about the environment and that you are promoting every effort made by others towards sustainability.

Previously, incentives for going green were only for large corporates. Today, however, small businesses are also taking the necessary measures to create sustainable practices within their companies. Sustainable development is not a burden that only businesses should bear. Everyone must take part in creating a healthy and safe future.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.

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