No matter what the industry or business, it is now an accepted norm that recycling must be encouraged. The reduction in waste and the reusing of products that have not yet ended their life as a useful piece of material is vital to the world’s environment and the sustainability of a business. is one such company that understands the importance of recycling and offers solutions to businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
Some nations and states have recycling regulations set by law but, even if others do not, all businesses should still strive to meet their own even higher targets.

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The rate of recycling
The United States has a paper recycling rate of around 64.7%, making it one of the better success stories of the push for reducing waste. This is in no doubt, thanks to the high number of curbside or drop-off paper recycling points available to small businesses and residential areas.
However, larger companies such as those with warehouses or huge manufacturing plants might find it more difficult. If a company is producing far more wastepaper than they can drop off at a roadside can, then matters should be taken into their own hands. Using third party recycling companies is one option, as is shredding paper themselves, aided by light-duty belt conveyors available at, and transporting it to larger recycling depots.
There should be no excuse for not doing the maximum possible for a business’ recycling rates.
Environmental factors
The rate of recycling might be relatively high for paper, but for an item such as glass containers, it is only around 34% in the United States. Rates such as these are not good enough, and recycling in business is essential to combat the detrimental effects this will have on the world’s environment.
Producing objects from recycled materials uses far less energy than making them from raw materials. As energy in manufacturing often comes from non-renewable sources, this domino effect from a failure to recycle is highly damaging.
Improved sustainability
A business should always be looking to improve its sustainability. Installing solar panels or wind turbines is one way to do this: generating their own energy will reduce their coal and gas contributions and save money in the long term. What some do not realize, however, is that recycling can offer similar value. With rebates available, recycling does not only reduce waste to landfills and greenhouse emissions, but it can also turn into a form of income. If a business is frequently disposing of good quality plastics or cardboards, they could, in fact, be earning money from recycling it instead.
Internal recycling
Another importance of recycling in business is how internal recycling can benefit them. Internal recycling is the act of reusing used materials, rather than sending them to a recycling plant. A garden center, for example, could use food waste from its café or simply from its staff to produce compost, saving on money and reducing the amount of trash can liners sent to landfill filled with apple cores and banana skins.
Instilling an environment of recycling in the workplace will not only benefit the business and the wider community, but it will also encourage staff to take these best practices home with them. The more people who recycling both at home and in the workplace, the better the world’s environment will become.