Best WoW Classic Gold Farming Tips for Starters in 2025

From picking the right starting class and mastering professions to farming mobs and using the Auction House to sell items, all are proven ways to earn gold in WoW Classic. However, all of this requires time, planning, and tons of dedicated effort in the world of Azeroth. For this reason, many players choose to buy WoW classic gold instead to skip the long grinding process.

Still, if adventure is what you’re after and want to earn gold the old-school way, this WoW classic gold-making guide is for you. We’ve packed it with the best WoW classic gold-farming tips to help you stack gold faster. Ready to begin? Let’s dive in!

Choose the Right Starting Class for Gold Farming

Choosing the right class is the first step in this WoW classic gold-making guide. Speaking of which, there are a total of nine classes to choose from. While every class has the potential to make gold, some are simply better built for it.

These gold-friendly classes have unique skills that make farming, gathering, or looting much easier and faster. If you’re just starting out, picking one of these can save you a lot of time and effort.

Mage – Mages are one of the best classes for gold farming, thanks to their powerful AoE (Area of Effect) spells. With abilities like Arcane Explosion, they can wipe out large groups of mobs quickly. This makes them ideal for farming in crowded areas where mobs respawn fast. Plus, they can teleport to cities, which saves a lot of travel time.

Hunter – Hunters are great for solo farming. Their pets can tank enemies while the Hunter deals damage from a safe distance. This gives you better control over fights and makes farming much safer. Hunters are also good for gathering professions like Skinning and Mining.

Druid – Druids are very flexible. Their travel forms and stealth abilities make them perfect for gathering herbs and ores quickly without wasting time or getting into fights. As such, if you’re planning to focus on professions like Herbalism or Mining, a Druid can really speed things up.

Rogue – Rogues make it to the list because of their pick-pocket ability. This lets them steal gold and other items from enemies without them even realizing it. Not only this saves you from unnecessary battles but can also become a fun sneaky way to quickly extra gold while exploring dungeons or open world zones.

Master WoW Classic Gold-Friendly Professions

In WoW Classic, professions aren’t just for crafting gear or boosting your raid power. They’re also one of the best ways to build up your gold. If your main goal is to earn as much gold as possible, then choosing the right profession combo is key.

One of the best combos for gold farming is Alchemy and Herbalism. Herbalism lets you gather herbs from the world, and Alchemy allows you to turn those herbs into potions, flasks, and elixirs that players always need—especially for raids and PvP. Items like Elixir of the Mongoose or Greater Fire Protection Potion sell well at the Auction House. These items are always in demand, especially during raid reset days when players stock up on consumables. To make the most gold, collect herbs during the week and sell your potions just before raid nights when demand is highest.

Another solid profession is Skinning. It’s easy to pick up and works well with solo farming. As you kill beasts during quests or mob farming, you can skin them for leather and hides. One famous example is Devilsaur Leather, which drops from elite beasts in Un’Goro Crater. This material is highly valued in early phases because it’s used to craft powerful pre-raid gear for melee classes. Just be warned though, Devilsaur farming spots are very competitive, especially on PvP servers.

If you prefer gathering items, Mining is a great option then. You can mine high-level ores like Thorium, and sometimes even find Arcane Crystals, which sell for a high price. The key here is to choose professions that match your playstyle. If you like gathering and exploring, go for Herbalism or Mining. If you prefer crafting and selling, Alchemy is a strong long-term option.

Either way, mastering these gold-friendly professions is one of the best WoW classic gold-farming tips you’ll want to follow early on.

Farming Gold Is a Great Alternative to Professions

Not a fan of professions? No problem. Farming gold by killing mobs and looting valuable items is a solid method that works well for all types of players. It’s simple, doesn’t need any setup, and most importantly, gives steady gold—especially when you know the best spots.

Speaking of which, Eastern Plaguelands is one of the top choices. The undead mobs here are easy to kill and drop vendor trash, cloth, and sometimes rare items. Farming bats here are popular because they drop vendor trash that adds up fast, and all classes can farm here without much trouble, even if you are soloing.

Winterspring is another good spot. The Furbolgs in the area drop Winterfall Firewater, a useful consumable for melee players that sells well on the Auction House. The mobs here are not too hard, and you can also pick up extra Runecloth along the way.

Hearthglen in Western Plaguelands is a hidden gem. Farming the Scarlet Spellbinders can reward you with Formula: Enchant Weapon – Crusader, one of the most wanted enchants in the game. Even if you’re not an enchanter, you can sell the formula for a nice chunk of gold.

Silithus is perfect for players who want to combine farming and gathering. The zone is filled with Thorium veins and rare herbs, while the mobs here drop decent loot.

You can also try farming dungeons like Stratholme or Maraudon for steady gold and useful items. These places are especially good for classes like Mages or Hunters who can clear mobs quickly.

Use The Auction to Earn WoW Classic Gold

In this WoW classic gold-making guide, you don’t always have to craft, farm, or gather items. Sometimes, the best gold is made right from the Auction House. If you enjoy trading and watching the market, this method can be both fun and profitable.

The basic idea is simple: buy low, sell high. Keep an eye on item prices, and look for underpriced gear, materials, or consumables. Then, flip them at a higher price when demand goes up—like before raid nights or during peak hours. Addons like Auctionator or TradeSkillMaster can help you scan the market and spot good deals faster.

Timing also matters. For example, potions and flasks usually sell for more before raid nights, and posting items on raid reset days often brings more buyers. Just be careful with undercutting. Lowering your price slightly is fine, but don’t crash the market by severely undervaluing your goods.

And yes, it’s always in your best interests to diversify your items. Don’t invest all your gold into one thing. Spread it across different materials or consumables to reduce risk.

To Wrap It Up

Gold is one of the most important resources in WoW Classic. This article has listed all the best WoW classic gold farming tips for starters in 2025. Do you think more ways can be added to this WoW classic gold-making guide? Share your thoughts with us and let us know in the comments down below!