If you are thinking of launching a website, then you might have come across the daunting task of choosing a hosting service. Finding a good hosting service, with a lot of them available, can take a lot of time and money. If you don’t know what web hosting is then let me give you a quick rundown of it.

Web hosting is a service that allows you to have your website or web page live on the Internet – they provide you with services needed to run your website and be viewed on the Internet. We are going to be talking about one such new hosting service by WPMU DEV.
WPMU DEV is an All-in-One WordPress platform that provides much more than just their new Hosting. They have been around for over a decade and provide site management tools, 24/7 support for any WordPress issue, and a suite of premium plugins integrated with their site management tools and hosting. With a membership, you get $30 hosting credit that can be used for any of their plan levels. At the entry level, bronze, that would get you 3 sites. After you have used up all your hosting credits you can add additional sites at $10 each, this is the bronze level of the plan. Subsequently, they have silver, gold, and platinum plans to support scaling as your business increases.
‘The Hub’ is the heart of their platform and allows you to manage all of your WordPress sites in one place. A big advantage this provides over other hosts is that you can even add sites that aren’t hosted with WPMU DEV. Maybe you have a client that has very specific hosting requirements that are not yet fulfilled by the service or you have a new client with an existing live site that you are taking over – the allowance to add sites hosted with other hosts makes transitioning and managing less cumbersome.
Many WordPress sites can be managed in one place while customizing each one of them – giving you a centralized management system. Even though you can handle everything from a single place, every WPMU DEV hosted site gets its own dedicated memory, CPU, and SSD storage resources that are completely independent of any other site – including other sites you host with the service. There are also 8 server locations around the world that you can choose from for better performance.
Backups are one of the basic needs that any business is going to have with the world becoming more and more data-driven by the minute. ‘The Hub’ has nightly back-ups and one-click restores to make it easier for even less tech-savvy people – along with the backups, monitoring, scanning, and updating is easy to automate with their integrated plugins and services.
IPv6 support is provided when it comes to security which makes it less likely to be hacked, unlike IPv4 that are still part of many hosting services. Along with that, two-factor authentication is provided to give you that extra layer of security. 2FA is always advised no matter what service or application you use. Along with that SSL certificate is provided for free when you sign up with the service.
Not only that, when you think about managing various sites, the added work that no one really considers when choosing a hosting service as a developer is creating reports for the clients. Generating reports for the clients is one of the important aspects of this and ‘The Hub’ helps you with that too.
You can provide your clients with crisp and precise white label pdf reports that demonstrate all the updates, security monitoring and performance improvements you’ve done for them. The developers get developer-focused reports if you opt for it – detailing everything you need to know about the sites you manage.
This cuts back a lot of manual work for you and increases the amount of smart work you do, giving you more time to focus on maintaining all the sites you need to be running. With every aspect taken into account, ‘The Hub’ seems to cover most concerns that are risen with hosting services and gives developers a highly viable hosting option.